Animal Messages Cards by Susie Green
Animal Messages Cards by Susie Green
Have you ever wondered why you keep seeing butterflies, or have a dream about deer? Animal Messages is a unique book and card set which reveals the significant of such animal messengers. There are 52 message cards, each accompanied by an inspirational message from the animal world which will give spiritual guidance and help.
Ancient cultures have always looked to animals as a source of strength, protection and knowledge. Native Americans have revered the wolf, bear, eagle and bison while Aborigines have identified with the kangaroo, koala and kookaburra.
Divided into four groups, Creatures of the Air, Arboreal Creatures, Earth-dwellers and Walkers Between Worlds and Water Denizens, Susie Green reveals the special powers and inner secrets of 52 animals, birds, reptiles and insects.
The book gives an interpretation for each one and how you can use the cards to tell the future from the simplest three-card spread which gives you an at-a- glance guide to your past, present and future while the more complex Path of the Heart helps you to understand your own emotions plus that of the other person. It also outlines the meanings of our animal guides or 'totems' and how you can tune into the cards, sensing their power and attributes. A squirrel is a sign to let go of the past, a butterfly heralds change, while a fox warns of becoming too involved. Seek out your animal guides and, whether you use the cards for affirmation or for divination, you will be amazed at the insights you gain.
Each of the cards has a message to give you immediate guidance: a wolf means listen to your intuition, a llama encourages you to be courageous and a mouse to be persistent.
- 52 fully illustrated cards, each with an individual messages
- Full interpretations for every card, plus full instructions on how to lay them out for a reading.
Pack Includes: 52-Card Deck and 64 Page Guidebook
Card Size: Approximately 8 x 12 cm (3.2 x 4.8").